
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Cabaret Quicksand / "Colours" ft. Serena Pryne

 New single from The Cabaret Quicksand, "Colours"

The Skinny Review:
This is a song that could fit on so many different playlists and radio stations, as it encompasses different genres into one truly enjoyable piece of music with a powerful message. Be sure to watch the lyric video to get the full effect of both.

In Their Own Words:
"As you know, more than ever there is a tug of war between the left and right political spectrums and as a result the world has become divided. Each thinks their approach /methodology is superior and each are willing to throw the other under the bus to prove who is “right” and definitely blame who’s “wrong”. MSM skews their journalism to support their narrative. As a human race, we have resorted to character assassination and shaming each other on all media platforms for the political, religious and social beliefs we possess. We are described by colours more than ever whether it be our appearance, political spectrum, occupation and so on. The song is really a play on all of these things. If you’re prepared to divulge the colours to describe yourself, maybe it’s better to keep it private, otherwise you’re risking going into “the lions den” and being pre-judged and dismissed by people that represent other colours. The colour ideology has become a violent extension of society. Afro-Americans can definitely attest to that as history keeps repeating itself. We need to change it before it’s too late.” – Craig Rewbury

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